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Get token swaps

Hi isn't possible to get all token swaps with one api call ?

Apikey issue

I tryed to connect to dexguru api rest with the apikey that i received but i receive this error: {'statusCode': 401, 'error': 'Unauthorized', 'message': 'Please specify apiKey'}


What parameters should be passed to search_after, the parameter names and values are passed separately

I stopped getting a response to the API request

When attempting an API request, the script does not return a response, it just hangs waiting for a response.

The opening price is incorrect

I'm using the API interface you provide, and it's fantastic.

How can i get my token chart image?

I'm trying to create a bot for my token to get the chart image in the group, but can't find the proper documentation for it.

Please add OHLC to new/dex coins

Please add a endpoint that give OHLC, the API looks pretty good and have everything, the unique thing is missing right now its this endpoint. I would migrate all our structure to dex.guru if this endpoint be implemented.

Cors error

I am trying to hit token market history api from localhost, its giving CORS error.