Account Balances Records

This API endpoint fetches the balance records of specific token addresses associated with a given account on a specified network and chain. It is designed to return a view of non-zero balances for a single account.

The endpoint expects three parameters:

  1. 'chain_id' (text): The identifier for the blockchain.
  2. 'network' (text): The network in which the account exists.
  3. 'account_address' (text): The unique address of the account.

The resulting output will include:

  1. 'token_address': The address of the token.
  2. 'Chain_id': The id of the blockchain channel.
  3. 'timestamp': Maximum timestamp associated with the balance record.
  4. 'balance': Largest balance recorded for given timestamp.
  5. 'token_standard': The standard used by the token.
  6. 'token_id': Unique identifier for each token.

Please note that this endpoint generates a table for visualization.
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