Copy of (#76) Transactions ERC-20 Warehouse Page

This API endpoint, #76 Transactions ERC-20 Warehouse Page, retrieves a list of ERC-20 token transfer transactions. It expects the parameters: 'network' (query type) indicating the specific network to access, 'first' (enum type) paraemeter defines the limit of transactions records to retrieve at one call, and 'skip' (text type) parameter defines the number of records to skip from the beginning.

The SQL query associated with this endpoint fetches the following data fields: 'transaction_hash', 'block_timestamp', 'from_address', 'to_address', 'value', and 'token_address'.

The output of the API call will be in the form of a table where each row corresponds to a single transaction, tabulating the values of each of the fields specified in the SQL query. For a comprehensive and effective data analysis, visualizing these outputs is recommended.
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